Wordless Wednesday: Webcam Fun


Filed under Nolan, pictures, this crazy train, toddlerhood, Wordless Wednesday

11 responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Webcam Fun

  1. For some reason, I like your hair. And also…your face. 😉 lmao. Oh and of coarse your little man, adorable as per usual! 🙂

  2. I think the one of you kissing him is very sweet.

  3. I ❤ the one where it looks like he's blowing kisses!

  4. ❤ These are great pictures of you two !

  5. silenceandnoise

    We also LOVE the webcam!! Such an easy way to keep them entretained (and get some cute pics). Your little photo-session was a total success! You look adorable ❤

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