Don’t worry; be happy <3

Last night was pretty stellar. We didn’t do much at all; & it was great! We did go to Walmart at 5 for our Christmas portraits, and so that Matt could trade in his old games to get a new game (for free, which I liked). The portraits turned out amazing, I can’t wait for them to come in! I need to find someone with a scanner so I can get them online.

After we got home, we had a quick dinner and hung together in the livingroom. Nolan entertained us by singing and playing ‘peek-a-boo’ behind the curtains. Bedtime came too soon, I guess performing is exhausting! We took some ridiculous photos in the bathroom, after Nolan brushed his teeth. Only one turned out super good; the others were full of blurry faces, or too dark 😦 oh well, one is better than none!

Seriously; my family rocks. I don’t know why they’re so awesome, or what I did to deserve them…but I’m blessed and lucky and I’m so thankful to have the both of those crazy guys. My son is so like my husband, it’s a bit ridiculous. Although, he occassionally shares the same expressions I have…

I think it would be fun to do a ‘family wall’, with pictures the three of us in really cool black frames; all different shapes and sizes. Matt wants to do a family corner, and put pictures on either both sides of the wall above the TV.

I think it’d look pretty rad, so I’m game! Maybe I’ll start it after Christmas, you know…since there’s a kazillion other expenses to take into consideration this month.

I definitely failed Christmas already. I haven’t even started yet! I wanted to have my Christmas cards all finished and stamped and ready to go by now. I wanted to start my Christmas baking, so I could get ahead of the game. I suppose there’s still tons of time, I just wish I was better prepared. I would love to be done Christmas shopping already – I hate doing it. I love buying for my little man, but he’s really easy. This year, we’re going to mostly get him clothes for now and the next few months. I already know his aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents will spoil him in the toy department, so I’m not too concerned.

I think the reason why I hate Christmas shopping  so much is the crowds, from here on in they will be ridiculous, I will not be entering the mall on a weekend until the new year!

Next year, I’m going to follow in my Granny’s footsteps and start my Christmas shopping in July. Then I can relax and not stress the entire month of November, dreading December. What can I say? I am really good at procrastinating. I know I promised myself last year that I’d step my game up a bit this year, and I guess you could say that I DID step my game up; last year I waited until December 12th to start worrying about Christmas shopping.

UGH; why did I mention CHRISTMAS SHOPPING!

Moving on, quickly before I have a panic attack.

I cleaned the entire house this morning, all I need to do now is finish laundry, wash the floors, and finish cleaning Nolan’s bedroom. I need to wait until Matt gets home so he can take down the bloody playpen. I’m calling it a bloody playpen because it’s impossible for my weak ass to take down. I’ve already gone through his closet and dresser, and put all the clothes he no longer wears into boxes. He’s at that really frustrating in-between size, when 12 months is too short but 18 months is too big around the waist. He’s living in overalls right now, not that I mind, but even they are a little short on him. Sigh. Hopefully I’ll be able to find him some pants that fit soon!


Filed under adventures, family, good times, I don't know, just thoughts, life as I know it, little moments, love love love, mama musings, Nolan, our home, pictures, thankful, the random, this crazy train, updates, what I'm feeling

8 responses to “Don’t worry; be happy <3

  1. You and I are having a similar cleaning day!
    I can’t believe you mentioned Christmas shopping! GAH!
    Now I feel like a failure, too!

  2. those first two pictures kill me! you are a lucky lady- but those boys are super blessed to have such a rockin’ mama & wife.

    i did a family wall in my living room behind the couch! i used vintage and new frames, all different shapes and sizes. i LOVE it. my house immediately felt like home and i highly recommend it!

    also, if you mention christmas shopping again, i’ll cut you!

    also #2, guess what’s being shipping to you next week? (other than nudes)

    love you 😉


    – e

    • I am lucky 🙂 and thank you!!! I love the family wall idea; that’s where I got it from 🙂 which reminds me; do an apartment tour? hehe.

      Sorrrrry about the mention of the I can’t say it again 🙂

      OMG OMG I love nudes! Can’t wait to add THOSE to my family wall 😉

  3. Litzia

    Hey i got an idea if you dont find an scanner soon, you can take a pic from your portaits with your camera and upload them. its not the best but its a way to do it meanwhile


  4. Hi 🙂

    I’m just surfing random blogs on wordpress today and came across yours and read about your idea of putting the family photos up on the wall with the black frames and thought I’d share an idea with you I saw in a magazine quite a few years ago. It involves clear acrylic clipboards. You can get them in normal size or a smaller size (I think) at walmart or an office supply store. Basically you just the clipboards on the wall in a “gallery” style and the advantage is that when you get ready to change a photo you simply unclip it and stick another one in. Those clipboards come in clear or neon colors but I think the effect would look best with the clear ones…… just an idea…. oh and you could even print your photos in black and white for another cool effect. I know your wall would look super cool cuz you have some great family photos.

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