New Year Resolutions for 2011

Welcome to 2011 folks! This year is full of such potential, and I’m so eager to experience all the wonders it will bring!

I told myself I wasn’t going to make a New Years Resolution, but then decided…why not? So I do have a few Resolutions for 2011…here they are:

1. Actually follow through with keeping these Resolutions. A lot harder than it looks! I always fail at this lol.

2. Eat and generally just BE healthier. I know, I’ve said this before and I actually did it for a few weeks. I don’t know why I stopped, because I felt way better just in general (as well as about myself). But yeah; I fully plan on getting back into it!

3. Be more positive. I often jump to the most negative conclusion, with the excuse that “I don’t want to be blindsided”. But this isn’t healthy, for me and other people (mainly Matt) in my life. I also need to…

4. Be more trusting. Matt has never given me a reason to doubt him before. He is loyal and attentive. Sometimes, he loses track of time with the guys and while although waking up to him not home is scary, I know that he’s not doing anything “bad”. (Other than staying out too late, haha).

5. Go on more adventures with my little family. This will be an easy resolution to keep! Last year we weren’t in the position financially to do the activities I wanted (go to the zoo, the Science Centre, etc) but this year is different. We are out of debt and have a little bit left over at the end of the month – so I plan on saving up for little day trips this spring and summer. For Nolan’s birthday, we’re going to take him to the Toronto Zoo. For a summer trip; we’ll be going to the Science Centre as well as camping at Matt’s family’s property! That last one will be an adventure in itself – camping with a toddler!

6. Save more moneys. If I want to go on more family adventures, we need to have the mola saved up to do so! Not to mention, it’d be lovely to finally be able to buy things for our apartment (new couch, new appliances). Of course that second reason *might* take some time to achieve but a girl can dream right?!

7. Start doing the things I want to do. (Also known as; Improve My Follow Through). I always talk about all the things I want to do (bake more, learn how to knit/sew, etc) but rarely do I attempt to do them. Basically, I am full of ideas but lack the follow through. I need to fix that! While I may not be able to invest in a sewing machine, I can certainly learn how to knit!! Or do that scrapbook I’ve been dying to do! Or that family portrait wall…you see? I’ve got plenty of projects in mind. I just need to do them!

…I was going to try for 10 but those are honestly the top things I want to work on this year. I want to be in a happier, healthier place. At the end of the day, I wanna feel like I did my best and pulled it off.

I plan on printing (or writing out, since we don’t have a working printer) these resolutions and putting them on the fridge, where I’ll see them every day. I want a constant reminder. I think that’s the issue with New Years Resolutions; they often get forgotten in the hustle and bustle of day to day living.

Anyways: Happy New Years everyone! I hope 2011 is a wonderful year for all!!

Cheers to 2011!



Filed under adventures, challenges, crazy mama, dreams, family, figuring it out, good times, growing up, just thoughts, life as I know it, life lessons, little moments, mama musings, me me ME, oh my life, reflecting, self image, self improvement, telling stories, thankful, the beautiful, the random, this crazy train, this is my life, tidbits, updates, what I'm feeling, writing

11 responses to “New Year Resolutions for 2011

  1. Oh wow, I am the same way with jumping to the most negative conclusion! Sometimes I think I am a crazy person. I do it with everyone and everything.

    Your resolutions are good ones. I didn’t make any this year, because I already have a five-month-old To Do list that I really need to kick ass at! Plus, I’m generally bad at resolutions, so I’m just going to continue working on the things I’m already working on (like the gym, writing, etc).

    My love to you and your family! I have a card for you guys that is going to be super late. (Add “get stamps” to my To Do list, please.)

    • I think it’s natural for people to jump to the most negative conclusion, BUT I sort of take it to the next level because then I have anxiety attacks and hyperventilate and freak out and it’s just not pretty. It’s really exhausting, actually!

      And thanks, I can’t wait to get your card!

  2. Great list. Let me know how #6 works, I never seem to be able to get ahead of the bills, but I’ve resolved to save enough money for a trip Las Vegas with some of my blogger peeps this year, and I’m going to make it happen or die trying.

    Happy New Year to you and your family.

    • If Matt stays on track with me, we’ll have no problem saving money. When we’re both in *that* mood – you know, the “instant gratification” one – that’s when we tend to fail at saving and do something stupid. Like buy new phones or a tv or something. YEAH. FAIL.

      Thank you! And a Happy New Year to you and yours as well 😀

  3. good luck with the resolutions/goals…pretty similar to some of mine actually…lol…and gotta love the toronto zoo and science centre (i’ve gotten the membership for the zoo two years in a row even)..

  4. I need to quit smoking. And since that would save me $150/month. . .I need to just keep the first one. And not gain 300lbs doing it.

    I generally don’t make resolutions on Jan 1st. I’m still in recovery from the holidays!

  5. those are all awesome resolutions… and you’ll be awesome at all of them! you’re such a positive person, and you always get things done, so this will be a breeze for you 🙂

    i’d make resolutions but i can barely keep my word when i promise myself i’ll do the groceries after work, or do sit-ups before bed. i couldn’t imagine putting the stress of resolutions for an entire year on my lazy little shoulders! haha.

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